Thursday, March 28, 2013

Six, the number which can turn into Nine if yo look at it wrongly.

For some reason (of which I believe is mass brainwashing), I immediately thought of the number 666 when I was thinking about what to write regarding the number 6. Following this string of thought, I Googled Wikipedia for any interesting facts about the number 666, so that I can share them here and make myself look smart. Interestingly enough, Wikipedia gave me this: (click pic for bigger view)

Wikipedia, Information for Dummies!

Now that I realised I'm an idiot, I took a calculator and made it a mission for me to find interesting facts about the number by myself. After 4 hours, I found out that 666 is the sum of the first 36 numbers (1+2+3+...+34+35+36 = 666)! It took me that long to get my morale back up! I truly am a genius! :'D And then I opened up Wikipedia again.

I still am.. an idiot..

I'll stick to English. bye bye Maths.

Today, I had a semi-surprise test with Dr. C, who is teaching me Pragmatics, and I wrote a simple 3-page-essay about Conversational and Conventional Implicatures.

In Conversational implicature, we study how a person generates implied meaning through the control of four maxims, which are;

Maxim of Quality (How truthful you are)

Maxim of Quantity (The amount of words spoken, whether it is too little or excessive)

Maxim of Relation (How relevant you are)

Maxim of Manner (Level of obscurity)

Now, before my teachings start to get boring, let me teach you how you can score a girl/guy who studies English. Firstly, you go up to that girl. Now, with a face of pure calmness and coolness, say, "Hey girl, I hate to tell you this, but you look awful." By now, the girl would definitely be giving you a face like this:

You see this cuppa coffee? You want a taste of it you bi---??

Before you get splashed, keep your cool and say, "But girl, what i said to you, I'm merely violating the Maxim of Quality. If you know what I mean." 

Congratulations. You now have a girlfriend.

Peace Out.

P/s: If you still get splashed by that coffee, it would mean she doesn't know that violating the maxim of quality means to be untruthful. Now, your job is to show her this blog and ask her to follow to become a better linguist. and to get me an A+. *giggle*


  1. I can always count on you to make me laugh, and potentially choke myself with hot chocolate or coffee. XD I want to say you guys are learning quite fast, but it's already your fourth week, huh? Time flies. Have fun! :P

  2. Where is your post for friday??!!!
